
Tourist vs Traveller

Foto: DP
Part 1
Part 2
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What counts as authenticity?
·        Travelling to places other people don’t go to
·        Travelling to dangerous places
·        Some wouldn’t go to touristy places.
·        Others say you should go to cultural sites, but you behave differently from the ordinary tourist.  
How would a traveller behave?
·        Be respectful towards the local culture
·        (Make an attempt to) speak the local language
·        Travel as a single person rather than in a group
·        Spend as little money as possible
Who are they usually? (income, class background)
·        The average traveller is better off than the average tourists.
·        They travel for a longer time.
·        They are of middle class background.
·        As they try not to spend too much money, they tend not to give much money to the local community
·        On the other hand, they try to use services local people have set up.
They try to go off the beaten tracks. Do they actually find out more about the local cultures than ordinary tourists?
They tend to describe the places they visit in pre-modern, exotic terms.
They have a pre-notion of what passes as authentic.
On what is the research based?
·        On blogs and forums
The Moderator, Larry Taylor, doesn’t think of himself as a tourist. Is this unusual for travellers/tourists?
·        Not, this feeling unites all tourists
·        They don’t like to see themselves as tourists
Are there any new trends in the tourism industry concerning travellers?
·        One can find holidays designed for traveller.
·        It’s a big market.

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